Even as we continue to confirm the locations of the rest of our class, the momentum is building and classmates we talk to are telling us about other classmates and so it goes.
We have enough information now that it is time to let everyone know that by the end of October most probably, we will be publishing the framework and data that we have so far for our Wayne Valley Class of 1967 Directory which will be located at
www.waynevalley67.com . It will have the current location of as many of our classmates as we can locate and a way to contact them by email.
Aside from current photos, the site will include short biographies from those who have had the time to put brief ones together, a list of our veteran classmates, including branch of service and years in, a listing of Class Mates, those whose stories together began in high school and continue today, a memorial page recognizing our fallen, a listing of classmates by state, to enable local get togethers if folks are interested, a place to list changes of address to keep the database up to date and many other features as we think of them or as they are suggested by our classmates. It is meant to be a dynamic site, adding, growing and changing as necessary to best serve the process of reconnecting the class community.
Again, I want to remind folks that this directory is not intended to detract from the reunion website and is only meant to increase the conversation about reconnecting with classmates and old friends and what better way to do that then at the 45th Reunion.
And I want to thank all of you that have chosen to participate in this grand project. The enthusiasm I have encountered has far outweighs any negatives, and the attitudes of our classmates has often been refreshing and reaffirming to know that sometimes, wisdom can come with age, as well as graciousness, helpfulness and a whole load of great fun and conversation. I've been reminded of things I hadn't thought of in years (mostly because I didn't remember some of them) and had my fair share of stories to tell as well.
For those of you maidens on Facebook who have listed yourself without your maiden names, add it into your profile name so your classmates can find you (us too) and if we haven't yet found you, give us a shout. We want to make the directory as inclusive as we possibly can.
Here's a little update on some of the people whose locations have been confirmed in the past few weeks
(I say that because with the start of school, our grand parenting responsibilities seem to have multiplied at least 3 fold from last year. Even though I used to look upon it with some dread, now I am starting to think that my granddaughter's drivers license will bring fewer miles and some idle time to the Grandparent shuttle) plus a few other good deeds that ended up punishing us with additional chores. The search for confirmed classmate locations got curtailed a little but the search goes on:
Ed Boland, Ralph Foglia, Bitsy Haslet, Donna Morales, Sue Brooks, Linda Doland, Kathy Grap, Ronnie Lucia (he doesn't count cause everyone knows where he is but we had a great time talking), Dr.
Ned Ridings, among others; which reminds me that the site will have listings for those we have not yet located as well, so if you know where someone is, or if you hear about the site and go and find yourself not located, again, give us a shout, drop us an email and we'll make sure your information is updated and current.