Thursday, April 5, 2018

An Anthony Wayne Loss

Pam Zott

Updating emails

Getting ready for spring

We recently received an announcement from Carol Appleton

"It is with great sadness I write to tell you that Pam Zott White passed away this morning after battling pancreatic cancer for nearly a year. She had a strong faith and had trusted Jesus as her Lord and Savior many years ago, even though she told me that she wasn’t ready to leave this life, she had every assurance that she would spend eternity with Christ."

Sunday, January 21, 2018

It's been a long winter.....

It has been a long and difficult winter. It's not just the weather either. After another difficult foot reconstruction surgery (thankfully I only have two of the damn things), and the incredibly cruel winter (and that's only so far - there are still a couple months to go), it is increasingly difficult to go any length of time without visiting the obituaries, but they tend to visit me. I try to stay current on Facebook but if I want to comment I have to post on the Wayne Valley Directory page. Here's the email I got from Rick Sasse today:

Good afternoon.  It is not unusual to read the Providence Journal obituary section and see people I know. In this case it was somehow I had known for over 50 years, Bonnie Crossley.  For no necessary reason we didn’t really get to know each other, but we met at a reunion both knowing we lived in Rhode Island, and became friends. It will be a lonely Wayne Valley ’71-Rhode Island reunion, as I think it would now be Donna Smith (unless she has moved), and Richie Abramson moved to Moodus, CT, in retirement.


So even though I hate to kick start this blog with bad news, I still remain committed to locating and keeping us all up to date with what has happened to members of our class. Here's to a better spring.