Not intending to create a ripple in the time continuum, I quietly withdrew from the Facebook group known as the Wayne Valley Class of 1967 and posted it on my wall so that anyone used to looking for me there wouldn't think I had passed away unexpectedly and that my Facebook page was one of those ghosts that the dead leave behind. Seriously, I didn't expect anyone would notice since there is no activity there for me since the administrator blocked me from posting or viewing posts. This has been the case shortly after I started linking this blog to that group. Must have been something I said? The doc said the medication was supposed to take care of my terminal sarcasm.
Anyway, my quiet posting on Facebook has unleashed a completely unsolicited wave of thanks and congratulations which has been a little overwhelming. But thinking about it, I remember when we finished the same work for Linda's class of 364. There was a sense of accomplishment - especially after what it generated in class buzz, and resulted in unprecedented attendance for a non reunion year class get together.
Well, our work for my Wayne Valley class is far from done and getting to the point where we need your help. Take a close look at the "Return to Senda" page and think of playing with these classmates as kids in your backyards. Did they have brothers or sisters or kids you've run into on Facebook? Are their parents still in Wayne? These are all the kind of clues that have led us to yet another classmate who didn't know that they were being sought.

Speaking of ripples, the kind that I want to generate are those that encourage you to go to the reunion. Linda and I will be sending out reminders in late winter to call the reunion committee members to sign up for the 45th reunion. Every indication I have is that people that either never went, and many who have missed recent reunions have finally awoken to the new conditions: my friends, we have become the old people we impatiently waited on in no passing zones. We are now the ones counting out change in the check out lines. Our parts are wearing out. We're dropping like flies in September. It is in fact, with few exceptions (including myself) the September of our lives. (I except myself because 3 of my grandparents lived past their centennials and I have every intention of living into my 100's. I also intend to be the crankiest SOB on the planet. Just stay out of cane range. I'm warning you now.)
So for those of you who thank us for the hard work, we acknowledge your thanks. You may be called to testify that your congratulations were completely unsolicited. We will use your thanks to motivate us to continue to make those thankless phone calls every afternoon and evening.
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