Staying with my parents for the long weekend, I discovered that unlike my copy of Embers 67 which burned up in the house fire, I had acquired a copy of Embers 66 lo those many years ago. Leafing through, I discovered a whole bunch of pictures of us. I will scan and post during the month of June after our return from Colorado. I will also be posting a hopefully large photo gallery from pictures taken by you all. By all means, send them in to me at I can't say it will be as fast as Linda on FB who left a pictorial breadcrumb trail from NJ to Indiana. I also noticed that between 66 and 67, there really was a large turnover in the teaching staff and how many teachers were actually involved in the all school productions in many different capacities.
Judy Marra Wyatt, Yours Truly, Dan Wyatt, Mary Traynor Trella,
Bob Shepherd, Rich Santoro, Bobbye Cooke Gluesenkamp, Dianna Schmitt Hess |
I remember all school productions as one of my earliest memories of Wayne Valley (Just Wayne High, back then). I may have mentioned before that I was exported as a woodwind player from Anthony Wayne as a ninth grade freshman (if we had a 5-3-4 school setup), lugging my instruments across the street trying to find the entrance to the school like the country mouse visiting the big city. Little did I know that it would be an annual ritual that I and many in our class would gladly endure for just a few performances every year. I recently watched a production of Peter Pan put on by the Evansville Schools and it really made me appreciate how high the production values we achieved. The interplay between Escott, Kerr and Erdman and later Ringle and Kuzmich, the seemingly endless hours (for me) in the pit orchestra, the dedication of IBSLAT and the behind the scenes people in costume and makeup and stage direction. What a time. It all came back to me as I pulled into Rich Santoro's driveway and I joined the group already in progress. The point was really that a diverse group could pull together to create something bigger than ourselves. By the way, does anyone have any idea where Ron Kerr is?
Thinking about all of this, Embers 66, and a passing comment by Tony Gravagne (WV66) also a reed player in the pit, that the class of 66 really has vanished although many are still in contact with our class. Maybe they should be invited to our next one. Same with all the '68 people who have been contacting us by email and FB. Just something to think about..........
More in a bit, in the third installment of Reunion Weekend 2012......
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