It has been an interesting couple of days since we "Unofficially" announced the Wayne Valley 67 Class Directory. We've amassed a great deal of data, found or confirmed many classmates' whereabouts and are now starting to contact everyone either by Facebook, email or postcard or phone. Unfortunately, many of the emails we inherited from the 40th class reunion attendance directory bounced back. Even though it takes longer, cause I can't NOT talk once connected, I still prefer the phone.
Also experienced an interesting phenomenon immediately following the earthquakes of this past week. No emails went through to the East Coast and we had to resend them all. My sister, who lives in the DC area said that the widespread overloading of the internet and cell phone systems was a real revelation after all the vendors had assured the government that they would assure continuous operations after 9/11. NOT.
Talked to
Doug Fowler up in Nashua NH. Had a fun talk with him. Also had a great conversation with
Ken Coyle who has been a teacher and coach forever in Tempe AZ. I also got a chance to congratulate him for his induction into the WV Football Hall of Fame, which I've been meaning to do ever since
Bob Sherger told me about it weeks ago, I'm embarrassed to say. Also had a chat with
Carol Vanderway in
South Jersey which I presume is battening down their hatches in anticipation of Hurricane Irene.
The number of folks who are on board with the directory is too great to list and I'm even getting some short bios. Now if we can get photos, we're golden, besides our years. I'm busy setting up the pages, Linda's on research,
Larry Delucca's on Alto Sax, and
Bob Wanek is in St. Petes percolating with ideas for the directory (making work for me, but as I said in 1970, "He labors not who loves his labor". Talked with
Linda Schall Kosinski who mentioned folks she knew were in North Carolina. We compared notes on that one.
I've had a few people express privacy concerns in providing email addresses. I want to point out that all that will be visible unless someone actually wants to send you an email is the message "click to send email". I am using a little piece of code that prevents Spam robots from scouring the page to collect email addresses. They specifically look for a format, If they don't see that, they can't get anything. Believe me, you're already out there. Try Googling yourself, and if you're on Facebook, well, some of us talk about vacations we're on right now, what we're having for lunch and so it goes. As I've said before, I balance privacy with my desire to be reachable. And short of the witness protection program, (which
Dale Weber tried to convince his NC neighbors he was a part of) if you want to be reached by old friends and possible new ones, like some of the suggestions for Facebook friends that Linda and I have made, well, you have to be reachable.
On the flip side of the equation, this directory will make it much easier to find folks that are still not located. Almost to a person, folks that were "lost" were unaware that they were, and almost to a person, they asked about someone, or someone has asked about them and it's just great being able to provide information so old friends can rekindle their friendships. Likewise, it will be easier for us to find folks if you hear of anything that may help to locate them.
We are also initiating a Veterans page
Those Who Served, so we can acknowledge our Armed Services veterans, so if you are, let me know what branch of service you were in and your dates of service. We will have a page that lists classmates in
State order so that regional get-togethers will be simplified, should the classmates in that area choose to do so. One of my favorites is recognition of classmates who are
Class Mates, married to their high school sweethearts of which there are many couples in our class. We are also going to have a
Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes page to keep track of changes in Contact Information which we will try to update at least on a monthly basis depending on how many there are. And mentioned last because I don't like to think of it, is a Memorial page,
In Memoriam, so we can remember our gone but not forgotten classmates of whom there are a few more from initial indications with the Social Security Administration. We found
Patricia Mancuso listed as having passed away in July of 2002, and
Ed Miller in November of 2002.
These are ideas that have come from your classmates, so if you think of something, please feel free to let us know by email or phone: and 812-457-7772.