I know I've been rather inconspicuous (uncharacteristically quiet) these past few months, letting myself fall into my semi-retirement routine. My 5 day weekends seemed to always get filled with this or that and despite reminders from Linda that I haven't tickled the keyboards in a while, I always managed to fall into the trap of time.
That trap allows you to believe that there will always be time to do the things your good intentions tell you to do; to postpone what you know you should do. You tell yourself that it is the .......insert activity here........that is keeping you from what you've been putting off. For me, it was a nearly back to back Colorado road trip iin the summer (during which we dined with Judy and Dan Wyatt) and then a whirlwind European jaunt this October and then the annual Christmas transformation of the household into the Indiana annex of the North Pole. And then there was Sandy, and I knew that there were far more important tasks that some of my New Jersey classmates were confronting. These ended up being rationalizations and some real distractions from what I could and perhaps should have been doing.
I should have solicited comments about what you thought of the reunion this past summer. I should have told you more about Linda's reunion and how it turned out this September. I should have let my Anthony Wayne classmates know how much I enjoyed the DVD that Al and Dot Piaget sent out to me and all the other 7-3/8-4 folks, and that I didn't get enough independent photos from the rest of the awestruck classmates to attempt a memory book. I realized that even I didn't take as many as I would have now liked to have. I should have been more annoying and insistent about soliciting members of our class to sign up for Linda's class of 67 "Cruise to Somewhere" which sets sail from Port Canaveral during the second week of February. I should have avoided letting this blog become only what I have to let you know about today.....
I awoke this morning to my phone dinging a Facebook message from David Pier, Roz Pier's brother, thoughtfully informing me of Roz's passing on Sunday, December 9th, after a valiant 2 year struggle with pancreatic cancer. I thanked him for thinking to inform Roz's classmates at Wayne Valley and I don't think I was being too forward in extending the class's deepest sympathy to the Pier family.
When we first traced Roz's location, David was a little remote and a little defensive, and it wasn't until later that he revealed how ill Roz really was, at which point we backed off to let her and her family support each other in the battles to come. I hope that you all will think of her and send David a FB note. Sharing your memories you made with her in her many activities from school might help a little to soothe the loss they are feeling right now, especially during the Holidays which are supposed to be far more joyous. This kind of loss changes the character of the holiday season forever, having experienced the loss of both my in-laws in December and January past. Instead of creating new memories, there is only recollection of memories made of the past and the joys of family together are tempered by a sadness beyond words or measure.
So this year, as you get together with your families, hug them a little more often and a little tighter and think of Roz and the Pier family in their grief. For my part, I will try harder not to fall into the trap of time. Time is finite. Sometimes there is no tomorrow. Part of my New Year's resolution is to sit still for a moment and chat with you all more frequently this upcoming year.
Be well my fellow classmates. Enjoy the holidays and accept greetings from the Yuan family in good health and cheer from Evansville Indiana.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Honors and Memories

But like the late night pitchmen so love to say "But that isn't ALL!......." The Memorial Day events were followed up by Linda's Reitz reunion of nearly 200 attendees (120 classmates out of 300 surviving) a couple of weeks ago and the multi-event schedule that entailed (I emceed again but farmed out the photography this time) and then somehow I got roped into the photography for a classmate's spouse's reunion for another Evansville high school a week later. Needless to say, I am glad we are not of the age where reunions need to take place annually (although the Reitz people endorsed the notion to do them every 2.5 years). I need a vacation to recover from all this reuniting.
This hiatus gives me a little time to think about what transpired this summer, what it really means to me and what I will do in the future regarding this group of classmates, some shared and some adopted. So I was sitting in the screened in portion of our back deck (my last refuge from swarms of little mosquitoes with big beaks who suddenly realized all at once that their favorite neighborhood food supply, i.e. me, was about to take to the indoors) when I hear the little dingy on my phone that sounds a lot like a Facebook notification.
Dave Spae's last journey, in honor of his service. |
Friday, August 31, 2012
Anthony Wayne Reunited, Revisited

Yes, it was the video record of the 50th reunion of the Anthony Wayne 7-3/8-4 classes which took place in Wayne the day before the Wayne Valley celebration. Throwing it into the DVD drive of my laptop, there it was, a professionally prepared record of our truly joyous reunion. Included for good measure was the Anthony Wayne Junior High School Talent Club Program for "Comedy Tonight" with many familiar names represented, not just folks from our class, but all school. A copy of this program will be posted on the www.waynevalley67.net website in the very near future.
It only took a moment before I was transported back to that day when a group of young teenagers wearing less than young flesh reunited with my two most beloved teachers. I also winced at my inability to express my gratitude to these two people for shaking me by the shoulders and waking my humanity, my individuality, my first faltering steps toward adulthood. Unexplainably, I also had difficulty as well in recounting my fifty years of adventure (and more than a little misadventure) through multiple careers, families and through it all, I always believed that those years in Anthony Wayne were the spark, the beginning of the beginning. It was frustrating for someone who has made his way in the world largely on his ability to speak extemporaneously. At least I wasn't alone. It's all there on the DVD for the record as each of us tried to thank these two teachers in our own way for the gift that they instilled in each of us.
Sometime next year, we're going to do this again. Maybe I'll figure out how to express my gratitude to these two remarkable people by then.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Website Additions
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Cathy Labazetta Stalter and Bobbye Cooke Gluesenkamp |
In addition to photos from the 45th, of which this is one, Cathy called me about a month ago and said she had a whole collection of stuff cluttering up her home and she was sure that, in time, it would all just go into the trash heap of history, so she was going to package it all up and send it out to me.
Sure enough, several weeks later, an amazing time capsule shows up. True to her word (just like the magnificent banner she and her production staff produced for the reunion) she had enclosed programs from several all school plays and productions, GAA programs and a news article from the local Wayne rag, and Junior and Senior Prom directories. Even a GAA banner. Even blue spirit duplicator copies of the GAA Blue Team routines! I'm busy posting this material to the website, and sharing reunion photos from Bobbye as well. Busy, busy, busy, scanning and posting.
We're hot and heavy into Linda's class reunion now. The venue is set. We're really putting on the dog. No more $12 per person for us. We're up to $20 now, with a cash bar (we went dry last time) for a real sit down 2 meat choice meal. So we've got block stadium seating for a football game with a cross town rival, class t shirts, a golf outing for the duffers among the class, a school tour preceding the event. There will be plenty of group photography (including the veterans photo I forgot last time) and the photos will be available free for download. We're even planning a special surprise which shall remain a secret until the great unveiling on September 8. Reservations are pouring in on the buzz from our "44th" and the building of their class website. It's getting busy. But after the business ends, and Milton sits out on the deck (not for too long because the temp is 98 at 7pm around here lately), his gears are still turning. Linda says the gears are spinning but the clutch needs adjusting.
All of these events of recent past and current events has engendered another series of high school flashbacks. I don't know whether it is the proximity of the recent reunion, increasing age, the cumulative effect of preservatives and whatever all else I ingested in the past or just the new stream of communications with old classmates (what other kind is there anymore?), but I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and not just of the past. I've been thinking about the future as well.
I was thinking about how a lot can happen in 5 years. I keep on thinking about Dave Spae and how sometimes things happen even in 3 or 4 months. Every time the weather changes, I get another reminder of my mortality. I am also reminded about Tony Gravagne's comment about how the class of 66 seems to have evaporated. I know those folks are out there. Rich Santoro and Tony are evidence enough that they are.
Maybe we should do something in between 5 year reunions. Nothing formal, nothing fancy. Just a get together. Maybe we should include the 1966 folks too. Maybe Delucca can put together a band......Just thinking out loud......and wondering if other people are thinking out loud too......
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Despite the 45th Wayne Valley Class Reunion having been such a happy occasion, with so many good memories , I still have regrets, the kind of regrets that come with age if not some wisdom and a lot of hindsight.
I'm sorry that I was too rigid and opinionated and influenced by prevailing opinions at the time and I didn't give some of my classmates more of my attention. I have subsequently learned the error of my ways and made some new friends.
I regret not paying more attention while at the reunion. I missed talking to a number of people that I would have liked to catch up with, including Bob Bayerl. I had intended to send him greetings from Bob Wanek a fellow IBSLATer. I also missed Doug Itjen. I was standing right next to him but had my back turned while talking with another group of classmates. Damn! I only realized this after looking at a slightly fuzzy photo and memory prodded by Chuck LaCouture on Facebook. After working to locate so many, I was really looking forward to seeing them again after so, so long.
I also regret not staying till the end of the Piaget/7-3/8-4 Anthony Wayne pre-reunion and so will have to Photoshop myself into the group picture at the end.
I also regret not having gone to more reunions, although I know that circumstances would have prevented that from occurring even if I had more determination to go.
Perhaps it is just the ticking of the clock on the wall that is making me think like this. I know in talking with people who were there, the echoes of the emotional impact are still reverberating in our hearts and minds. I wish there were an easier way to convey to everyone in the class about what kind of experiences we had this past weekend to convince them to come to the next one.
I'm normally a pretty cynical person, not given to flights of emotional rapture or interpersonal drama. I was moved, and it's hard to express in a meaningful way to someone who was unable to attend. I want to (metaphysically,at least) grab folks by the shoulders and shake them hard with a single message. Time is fleeting and short. You've only to view the Memorial page on the class directory website. Only yesterday did I hear of another of us having passed. Go to the next one. Whatever it takes. It may be the last chance you have to see or speak to someone who was important to you and that's not just me cleverly playing with words. It is the unvarnished truth.
I'm already getting help from the class to identify people in the photos Linda and I have been posting. I will add them to the captions when the mountains of Colorado are not distracting me from my class responsibilities!

I regret not paying more attention while at the reunion. I missed talking to a number of people that I would have liked to catch up with, including Bob Bayerl. I had intended to send him greetings from Bob Wanek a fellow IBSLATer. I also missed Doug Itjen. I was standing right next to him but had my back turned while talking with another group of classmates. Damn! I only realized this after looking at a slightly fuzzy photo and memory prodded by Chuck LaCouture on Facebook. After working to locate so many, I was really looking forward to seeing them again after so, so long.
I also regret not staying till the end of the Piaget/7-3/8-4 Anthony Wayne pre-reunion and so will have to Photoshop myself into the group picture at the end.
I also regret not having gone to more reunions, although I know that circumstances would have prevented that from occurring even if I had more determination to go.
Perhaps it is just the ticking of the clock on the wall that is making me think like this. I know in talking with people who were there, the echoes of the emotional impact are still reverberating in our hearts and minds. I wish there were an easier way to convey to everyone in the class about what kind of experiences we had this past weekend to convince them to come to the next one.
I'm normally a pretty cynical person, not given to flights of emotional rapture or interpersonal drama. I was moved, and it's hard to express in a meaningful way to someone who was unable to attend. I want to (metaphysically,at least) grab folks by the shoulders and shake them hard with a single message. Time is fleeting and short. You've only to view the Memorial page on the class directory website. Only yesterday did I hear of another of us having passed. Go to the next one. Whatever it takes. It may be the last chance you have to see or speak to someone who was important to you and that's not just me cleverly playing with words. It is the unvarnished truth.
I'm already getting help from the class to identify people in the photos Linda and I have been posting. I will add them to the captions when the mountains of Colorado are not distracting me from my class responsibilities!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Reunion Weekend 2012 Part Deux
Staying with my parents for the long weekend, I discovered that unlike my copy of Embers 67 which burned up in the house fire, I had acquired a copy of Embers 66 lo those many years ago. Leafing through, I discovered a whole bunch of pictures of us. I will scan and post during the month of June after our return from Colorado. I will also be posting a hopefully large photo gallery from pictures taken by you all. By all means, send them in to me at milton.yuan@gmail.com. I can't say it will be as fast as Linda on FB who left a pictorial breadcrumb trail from NJ to Indiana. I also noticed that between 66 and 67, there really was a large turnover in the teaching staff and how many teachers were actually involved in the all school productions in many different capacities.
I remember all school productions as one of my earliest memories of Wayne Valley (Just Wayne High, back then). I may have mentioned before that I was exported as a woodwind player from Anthony Wayne as a ninth grade freshman (if we had a 5-3-4 school setup), lugging my instruments across the street trying to find the entrance to the school like the country mouse visiting the big city. Little did I know that it would be an annual ritual that I and many in our class would gladly endure for just a few performances every year. I recently watched a production of Peter Pan put on by the Evansville Schools and it really made me appreciate how high the production values we achieved. The interplay between Escott, Kerr and Erdman and later Ringle and Kuzmich, the seemingly endless hours (for me) in the pit orchestra, the dedication of IBSLAT and the behind the scenes people in costume and makeup and stage direction. What a time. It all came back to me as I pulled into Rich Santoro's driveway and I joined the group already in progress. The point was really that a diverse group could pull together to create something bigger than ourselves. By the way, does anyone have any idea where Ron Kerr is?
Thinking about all of this, Embers 66, and a passing comment by Tony Gravagne (WV66) also a reed player in the pit, that the class of 66 really has vanished although many are still in contact with our class. Maybe they should be invited to our next one. Same with all the '68 people who have been contacting us by email and FB. Just something to think about..........
More in a bit, in the third installment of Reunion Weekend 2012......
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Judy Marra Wyatt, Yours Truly, Dan Wyatt, Mary Traynor Trella, Bob Shepherd, Rich Santoro, Bobbye Cooke Gluesenkamp, Dianna Schmitt Hess |
Thinking about all of this, Embers 66, and a passing comment by Tony Gravagne (WV66) also a reed player in the pit, that the class of 66 really has vanished although many are still in contact with our class. Maybe they should be invited to our next one. Same with all the '68 people who have been contacting us by email and FB. Just something to think about..........
More in a bit, in the third installment of Reunion Weekend 2012......
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Lessons Learned
Nothing like several gatherings of school mates to send us back to school, literally and figuratively. I'm sure many of you drove to either Anthony Wayne/Sienna Village or Schuyler Colfax and of course Wayne Valley, only to be shocked at their growth, repurposing, condition. (Bill Kimak once told me that there are over 200 security cameras in the school now, and a resident cop)
I also noticed that all the shrubs and trees in Wayne are now overgrown, having been planted without a thought to how they would fit into the landscape after 40 or 50 years of growth.
I guess we are part of the landscape as well. No one ever planned for us to turn out the way we did either. 45 or so years of growth, changes, some judicious or random pruning, but we grew, we survived and now we're back to where it all started.
Reunion Sunday was a busy one for me. First on the agenda was the Anthony Wayne 7-3/8-4 mini Reunion with our block teachers, Al "Doc" Piaget and Dorothy "Darth" Tunis Piaget, who both went on to distinguished educational careers. You may recall that Doc was suspended from teaching for standing up for his beliefs. Darth failed to gain tenure. They were the round pegs in the square holes of Wayne public education in the 60's. It was Wayne's very own Scopes Monkey Trial. There was even an episode of the Defenders TV drama (starring E.G. Marshall and a very young pre Partridge Ken Reed) dedicated to the situation.
It is truly interesting that these round pegs' educational methods are now widely accepted as productive and effective, especially for those classified as "at risk" at both ends of the educational spectrum. They brought humor, compassion, intense personal interest, incisive insight, the ability to motivate, Socratic inquiry, self examination. These two amazing teachers didn't belong in the Wayne system as it existed. They were martyred because they were too good for it. But we were lucky to have had each of them for 2 periods every school day before their subversive methods were discovered and they taught us to learn, to question both ourselves and the world around us, to look for the core questions that needed to be answered by each of us. Strangely enough, we all, each in our own way, ended up as round pegs too, never quite satisfied by what was, always looking for what was around the next corner, over the next hill.
Describing this get together as a "Mr. Chips" moment for those who attended would be a trivialization of what it meant for us. This was a special group with special teachers all in the same time and place. And we sat there with them, in close approximation to our old seating arrangement, and we all remembered what these wonderful people did for us. They helped lead the way for us to become adults in a difficult world. We'll be doing this again.........
Next time, the second installment of Reunion weekend 2012............
I also noticed that all the shrubs and trees in Wayne are now overgrown, having been planted without a thought to how they would fit into the landscape after 40 or 50 years of growth.
I guess we are part of the landscape as well. No one ever planned for us to turn out the way we did either. 45 or so years of growth, changes, some judicious or random pruning, but we grew, we survived and now we're back to where it all started.

It is truly interesting that these round pegs' educational methods are now widely accepted as productive and effective, especially for those classified as "at risk" at both ends of the educational spectrum. They brought humor, compassion, intense personal interest, incisive insight, the ability to motivate, Socratic inquiry, self examination. These two amazing teachers didn't belong in the Wayne system as it existed. They were martyred because they were too good for it. But we were lucky to have had each of them for 2 periods every school day before their subversive methods were discovered and they taught us to learn, to question both ourselves and the world around us, to look for the core questions that needed to be answered by each of us. Strangely enough, we all, each in our own way, ended up as round pegs too, never quite satisfied by what was, always looking for what was around the next corner, over the next hill.
Describing this get together as a "Mr. Chips" moment for those who attended would be a trivialization of what it meant for us. This was a special group with special teachers all in the same time and place. And we sat there with them, in close approximation to our old seating arrangement, and we all remembered what these wonderful people did for us. They helped lead the way for us to become adults in a difficult world. We'll be doing this again.........
Next time, the second installment of Reunion weekend 2012............
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Lazy is as Lazy does
After a gentle chiding by Franny Minervini-Zick, to which I tried to excuse myself saying that I was busy getting ready for the trek East and the later Colorado vacation, I finally had to admit to myself that I was just being lazy and distracted. Mostly just lazy. Hey, isn't that what retired folks get to do? NOT! Truth be told, the 5 days a week I am supposed to be at rest have been filled to the brim with grandparent stuff, gardening stuff (the early spring/summer weather gave everything a jumpstart like you wouldn't believe!) and the perpetual cleaning of the garage (aka Fred Sanford's annex)
It's not as though there isn't anything going on class-wise either. In addition to the actual Reunion, there is also an Anthony Wayne 7-3/8-4 block class get together, and another get together with some old all-school production folks. Then there is the visit to the parents part of the whole thing. House disruption becomes more a factor in visits and more so as the years go on. I know how that is already. Imagine adding another 20 years on it. The routine is set and house guests, even if family, just throw everything into a dither. I'm very lucky that my folks, still in the same house, are still living independently and are in relatively good health.
I've also been talking with Wayne Valley folks too, via email and FB. Nancy Sliker Gillingham is nursing a meniscus tear but is going to fight through it to come. Jeannie O'Connell Hintz is on the mend from a surgery and will not be able to attend. Giff Jimmerson will be going to the Paris Inn dinner but not the big reunion. I'm also glad to hear that there will be many at the Reunion who have previously not gone to one.
It's not as though there isn't anything going on class-wise either. In addition to the actual Reunion, there is also an Anthony Wayne 7-3/8-4 block class get together, and another get together with some old all-school production folks. Then there is the visit to the parents part of the whole thing. House disruption becomes more a factor in visits and more so as the years go on. I know how that is already. Imagine adding another 20 years on it. The routine is set and house guests, even if family, just throw everything into a dither. I'm very lucky that my folks, still in the same house, are still living independently and are in relatively good health.
I've also been talking with Wayne Valley folks too, via email and FB. Nancy Sliker Gillingham is nursing a meniscus tear but is going to fight through it to come. Jeannie O'Connell Hintz is on the mend from a surgery and will not be able to attend. Giff Jimmerson will be going to the Paris Inn dinner but not the big reunion. I'm also glad to hear that there will be many at the Reunion who have previously not gone to one.
As Mr. Galbierczyk was fond of saying, "Alea iacta est". The die is cast. See you all in a couple of weeks. I'll still be the Chinese guy with the camera.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
It's been a while.....

In addition, the Reitz class of 67 Reunion committee, in which I strangely find myself a part , is now meeting to decide the few things that still need deciding. We are delighted to discover that there is really not that much work to do this time around because of the groundwork we did last year and because we chose an all inclusive place in which to hold it.
The Wayne Valley class directory, the other big task on the short list, is not yet complete either, of course, since there are a lot of current photos missing. It is farther along than the drop ceiling in the basement though. I'm hoping to correct the photo situation at reunion but until then, I still encourage you to have your kids take a photo of you and post them on facebook or email them directly to us. The drop ceiling is another matter altogether.
Thanks to Craig Meinking too, for sending in a bio for his entry which we posted in the last few days. I also encourage all who have been following this blog to try and attend the reunion. I think the deadline is April 25, 2013 for reservations.
Finally, a reminder that the Class of 67 2013 cruise bookings are proceeding with the best room locations booking fast. For more information about the event, here's the link:
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Teachers are People Too and a Loss
I remember many teachers from high school I never had for any classes. I think I tended to objectify them. I have found, after speaking with quite a few, that the obvious is true: Teachers are people too, with lives and histories as varied as ours.
One recounted how her year of teaching at Wayne Valley was her first and the worst. She took that year's personal lessons to become a much better teacher. Another has contacts with friends from that period, but isn't interested in expanding her contacts. One is deep in the grasp of Alzheimers, others are strikingly lucid despite advancing age. As often as we can, we are capturing some of their lives beyond their brief contact with us and it is as fascinating as the stories we have shared of our experiences with each other. Almost all remained educators for their entire careers. Most are now retired. A good number are sadly gone; a few, like Ronald Kerr, have disappeared. Others, like Judy Bradley, have been very helpful in providing information about others' locations, and the help is accepted with much gratitude.
Very few days go by without someone sending in a photo or anecdote for the website or just a note saying that another is planning on attending the reunion. There are changes frequent enough that it is difficult track. I know, I need to update the State list. I must confess that my nursing responsibilities for Linda as she recovers rapidly from her hip surgery has been nearly all consuming.
I just received word from Ruth Spae that we lost Dave Spae on Sunday, 2/12/2012. Despite a rocky start to our relationship back in Anthony Wayne, we became friends, lost touch over the years and reconnected with the class directory. Now he's gone. This is hitting too close to home. Rest in peace brother. His Obituary can be found at http://www.vandermay.com/Obituaries.aspx?from=obtDet&obituaryid=3952
One recounted how her year of teaching at Wayne Valley was her first and the worst. She took that year's personal lessons to become a much better teacher. Another has contacts with friends from that period, but isn't interested in expanding her contacts. One is deep in the grasp of Alzheimers, others are strikingly lucid despite advancing age. As often as we can, we are capturing some of their lives beyond their brief contact with us and it is as fascinating as the stories we have shared of our experiences with each other. Almost all remained educators for their entire careers. Most are now retired. A good number are sadly gone; a few, like Ronald Kerr, have disappeared. Others, like Judy Bradley, have been very helpful in providing information about others' locations, and the help is accepted with much gratitude.
Very few days go by without someone sending in a photo or anecdote for the website or just a note saying that another is planning on attending the reunion. There are changes frequent enough that it is difficult track. I know, I need to update the State list. I must confess that my nursing responsibilities for Linda as she recovers rapidly from her hip surgery has been nearly all consuming.

Friday, February 3, 2012
Teachers are a hoot; more notes on the Cruise
I've been trying to contact our teachers, and was able to contact Ed Sorock, one of the business education teachers who was also the sponsor of the Audio Visual Club.
Ed is now retired, 88 years old and living in Fairlawn, NJ with his also retired school teacher wife, Nan of over 60 years. Understand that I never had Ed Sorock for any classes, and I also understood that over his years of teaching, he has had thousands of students. I didn't expect him to remember anyone in particular, although those he remembered, I didn't.
After introducing myself, and explaining what I was trying to do, he wanted assurances that I wasn't one of those scam artists trying to steal his money. I reassured him that if I was trying to do that, I probably would be better served to try someone other than a retired school teacher. He thought that was very amusing and we shared a good laugh.
He then inquired about my political affiliation (and subsequently told me that he had voted for FDR and would be voting for Obama in November) and said that he would have talked to me anyway unless I had told him I was a Republican.
Finally, he wanted to know who I was going to root for in Superbowl 46. After replying "the Giants, of course", he decided that he would share his wife's email and I will be reminding them to forward a current photo.
Like finding classmates, this is a hoot.
Just a reminder too that the Reitz 67 Cruise to the Eastern Caribbean on Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas, is open to the Wayne Valley Class of 67 too. Set for February 10, in 2013, the more the merrier. David Fritz of Cruise Everything is the contact. David is a private cruise director who handles everything on board, during the cruise. He has arranged to waive port fees and a room to meet and other amenities for our group. There is a down payment to book and you've got till November to finalize payment. I am told he prefers to talk to you on the phone so that all communications are direct and questions can be answered immediately. His phone number is 800-959-7447. Just let him know you are part of the Reitz group. Unlike many cruise lines who tag you for $100 for tips up front, tipping is optional based on your perception of service. We just booked so we could get the room and dining seating we wanted. We're anticipating perhaps 20 or so from Reitz and there has been some strong interest from the Wayne class too. We'll keep all updated on this as time passes.
In the meanwhile, we will continue to try and contact teachers for current photos, contact information, and to see if they'd like to attend the Reunion.

After introducing myself, and explaining what I was trying to do, he wanted assurances that I wasn't one of those scam artists trying to steal his money. I reassured him that if I was trying to do that, I probably would be better served to try someone other than a retired school teacher. He thought that was very amusing and we shared a good laugh.
He then inquired about my political affiliation (and subsequently told me that he had voted for FDR and would be voting for Obama in November) and said that he would have talked to me anyway unless I had told him I was a Republican.
Finally, he wanted to know who I was going to root for in Superbowl 46. After replying "the Giants, of course", he decided that he would share his wife's email and I will be reminding them to forward a current photo.
Like finding classmates, this is a hoot.
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Freedom of the Seas |
In the meanwhile, we will continue to try and contact teachers for current photos, contact information, and to see if they'd like to attend the Reunion.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Teachers Page Published
We're back from the presurgical cruise (Linda knew she'd be holed up in the house for a few weeks so jammed in a cruise prior to surgery; any excuse is fine with me.) So the surgery went well and the recovery is proceeding apace. It's never fast enough and while the surgery went faster than expected, you can only heal so fast. I will say that we were supplied with island dressings that had some of the most aggressive adhesive we either of us have ever seen. Until we abandoned the cursed bandages for more conventional ABD dressings and paper tape, there was much cursing and swearing at the Yuan household and a lot of needless suffering.
So we're back and we've been busy....
We have completed scanning the teacher yearbook photos and including them by department and the page is published at http://waynevalley67.net/html/theteachers.html There are only a few for whom we have current information and we invite all to dig in and share what you know. I would think that all teachers are automatically invited to the reunion but you never know.
I was delighted to find an article about Adrian Van Zweden who at 92 is apparently still delighting kids with his practical knowledge. We also found Esther Van Kampen on Facebook and provided a pretty complete biography.
I suppose I was as guilty as anyone in objectifying teachers with whom I either didn't have classes or didn't know that well. They all had lives too though.
I do know that Lindas Eckert and Ucko are working on a 7-3/8-4 get together prior to the reunion with the Piagets. If you were a member of this group, make sure to contact them if you can attend.
Ah, back in the saddle again.
So we're back and we've been busy....
We have completed scanning the teacher yearbook photos and including them by department and the page is published at http://waynevalley67.net/html/theteachers.html There are only a few for whom we have current information and we invite all to dig in and share what you know. I would think that all teachers are automatically invited to the reunion but you never know.
I was delighted to find an article about Adrian Van Zweden who at 92 is apparently still delighting kids with his practical knowledge. We also found Esther Van Kampen on Facebook and provided a pretty complete biography.
I suppose I was as guilty as anyone in objectifying teachers with whom I either didn't have classes or didn't know that well. They all had lives too though.
I do know that Lindas Eckert and Ucko are working on a 7-3/8-4 get together prior to the reunion with the Piagets. If you were a member of this group, make sure to contact them if you can attend.
Ah, back in the saddle again.
Friday, January 13, 2012
No Snowflake........
No snowflake ever thinks it will become an avalanche. But that is what is happening. In reality, Evansville got its first little snowfall which resulted in a moment of idyllic winter scenes. Then people started playing demolition derby on the streets. It wasn't enough to cause a run on bottled water and milk at the local Walmart though, and the stores aren't out of snow-melt either. On the class front, we also have an accumulation. Of news.
Rick Sasse sent this link to me. Don Gerola's been at it again up in Rhode Island:
http://news.providencejournal. com/arts-entertainment/2012/ 01/artist-weaves-city.html
We've also been in touch with Shigemi Suzuki who says she'll be to the Reunion.
Additionally, when we get back from vacation, we will begin filling in content for our teachers page, which will include much information about all our teachers, living or deceased. Where we can, as we have for classmates, we will be providing obituaries and contact information where available. Moreover, we will be inviting you, their students to provide anecdotes and comments which we will post with the listing. You know how proud you are of your accomplishments in your various careers. We are their accomplishments, and ultimately their legacy. We have so much to tell you about them. Something to look forward to. The page that will be published today is just a sample of what is to come. They have left their imprint on more than just us.
Rick Sasse sent this link to me. Don Gerola's been at it again up in Rhode Island:
We've also been in touch with Shigemi Suzuki who says she'll be to the Reunion.
Additionally, when we get back from vacation, we will begin filling in content for our teachers page, which will include much information about all our teachers, living or deceased. Where we can, as we have for classmates, we will be providing obituaries and contact information where available. Moreover, we will be inviting you, their students to provide anecdotes and comments which we will post with the listing. You know how proud you are of your accomplishments in your various careers. We are their accomplishments, and ultimately their legacy. We have so much to tell you about them. Something to look forward to. The page that will be published today is just a sample of what is to come. They have left their imprint on more than just us.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Holiday Cheer
After taking a little break for the Holidays from this blog, it is a little bit amazing how much connecting is happening on Facebook. For those of you not yet addicted to the social network scene, don't feel left out because you can now go the the Wayne Valley 67 Class Directory and locate many of your old friends there. Drop a dime (is that showing our age?), Drop 'em a line; If they're within driving distance (you can check the state listings (which by the way will be updated in the next few days) get together for real and break bread together.
Thanks to all for the holiday cheer and greetings. If we missed anyone who was gracious enough to send us greetings, our apologies. Like everyone, things were in a total frenzy right up until the final countdown. Even though the website activity slowed a little, the research didn't and we're still cranking away. We are hoping to get info for Mike Williams from Rick Sasse, I think Mike was one of the few I know for sure who understood what Mr. Grundy and Mrs Thompson were talking about.
Speaking about teachers, it seems fairly likely now that there will be a get together for the Anthony Wayne 7-3/8-4 block class of Dorothy Tunis and Dr. Al Piaget over the Reunion Weekend. Linda Ucko and Linda Eckert are arranging the details. The Piagets (I'll always say "Pie-A-Jet" but "Pee -ah-jay" seems to be the preferred pronunciation nowadays) are happily retired and in Wayne. Doc, you may know, helped found the Benway School originally on Black Oak Ridge but now I hear recently relocated to Valley Road). To those of us who had them for block those two incredible years, they represented enlightenment, new horizons and self exploration not typically encouraged in the Wayne of the mid sixties. Their current photos adorn the website in the activities area where you will find a teachers page. If anyone else has current photos of our teachers, please send them in and I can arrange a location of greater prominence on the site. There are also active threads about teachers of our era on the I'm from Wayne Facebook group with many of the old Anthony Wayne faculty photo pages.
And speaking about photos, I encourage everyone to send in their own current photos from the scads that had to have been taken over the holidays. I know you've got them. Everyone wants to see everyone to either gloat or sympathize (depending on your own self image I suppose).
And by all means, visit the Return to Senda page of the website. If you have any clues about the whereabouts of any of our lost classmates, good news or bad, please feel free to let us know so we can follow up. I for one have no intention of just letting a classmate go that easily. So even it means following up on a long shot "six degrees of separation" clue, we'll do it.
On a far more sad note we just learned yesterday of the passing of Richard J. Geraghty, on October 10, 2011 in Manahawkin, NJ. An obituary can be found on the Memorial page on the class directory website, http://waynevalley67.net/html/inmemoriam.html.
Thanks to all for the holiday cheer and greetings. If we missed anyone who was gracious enough to send us greetings, our apologies. Like everyone, things were in a total frenzy right up until the final countdown. Even though the website activity slowed a little, the research didn't and we're still cranking away. We are hoping to get info for Mike Williams from Rick Sasse, I think Mike was one of the few I know for sure who understood what Mr. Grundy and Mrs Thompson were talking about.
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Doc Piaget |
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Darth Tunis |
And speaking about photos, I encourage everyone to send in their own current photos from the scads that had to have been taken over the holidays. I know you've got them. Everyone wants to see everyone to either gloat or sympathize (depending on your own self image I suppose).
And by all means, visit the Return to Senda page of the website. If you have any clues about the whereabouts of any of our lost classmates, good news or bad, please feel free to let us know so we can follow up. I for one have no intention of just letting a classmate go that easily. So even it means following up on a long shot "six degrees of separation" clue, we'll do it.
On a far more sad note we just learned yesterday of the passing of Richard J. Geraghty, on October 10, 2011 in Manahawkin, NJ. An obituary can be found on the Memorial page on the class directory website, http://waynevalley67.net/html/inmemoriam.html.
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